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Application to join merciless

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Application to join merciless Empty Application to join merciless

Post  lvl 80 R Mon Mar 02, 2009 4:34 pm

Character Name: Joneleth

Your Age: 24

Class: Paladin

Level: 80

Talent Spec: Retribution

Armory Link

Professions: Mining and Engineering

Current Guild: Unholy Crusaders

Previous Guild/s & Reason/s for leaving: Unholy crusaders was my only guild, I made it with friends of mine that followed me from another game we used to play called last chaos. We are looking for a bigger to progress with and have fun playing the game with.

Why are you interested in joining Merciless: When I was on my dk, one of your player was getting ganked by allies, I came and helped out for a while, pvp'ed for a good hour and I really admired the reaction of your guild as members showed up to help the member in question. A guild that has people care enough to help it's members is something I'de love to be a part of.

What do you think you will gain from joining Merciless: I have all to gain here. I am mostly looking for other people to interact with and have fun with.

What do you think Merciless will gain from you joining: I'de say sex appeal, a porn star in the making maybe Razz, but I don't think I can bring anything that you don't already have, I can just hope to do as good a job as I can possibly.

Do you consider yourself guild oriented and why: I do, this game is more than questing and the occasionnal pvp fights, I love being able to be part of something and feeling like I help in ways.

Rank these in Order (Loot, Progression, Helping Others, Self, Friends): Friends, Progression, Loot, Helping others and self

Pre-BC/BC Raiding Experiences: None, I started playing when lich king came out and because my brothers dragged me to wow, haven't regretted comming since.

Do you currently know anyone in Merciless: No, besides from the occasionnal heroics and that one pvp fight, I can't say that I do.

Do you have Ventrilo / DeadlyBossMods / Omen: yes except on deadly boss mods

lvl 80 R

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