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Explosion, 80, Death Knight

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Explosion, 80, Death Knight Empty Explosion, 80, Death Knight

Post  Explosion Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:25 pm

Character Name: Explosion

Your Age: 19

Class: Death Knight

Level: 80

Talent Spec: Blood, usually a random variation that I’m testing from Elitist Jerks

Armory Link: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Emerald+Dream&n=Explosion

Professions: 450 Mining, will level Blacksmithing or JC later, depending on how good the upgrades are later. (I’m assuming BS will get some nice weapons like it did later on in TBC)

Current Guild: None

Previous Guild/s & Reason/s for leaving: Ruthless(The Velvet Lounge)--I didn’t like the current direction the guild was taking.

Why are you interested in joining Merciless: I raided with you guys, and you seemed like a good group of people.

What do you think you will gain from joining Merciless: Chance to be a part of something more than pug’d heroics and the occasional 10 man Wintergrasp. Also, people to talk to I guess. Being unguided is tough.

What do you think Merciless will gain from you joining: Another Death Knight to be literal, although I kind of like to consider myself a good(or…Smart?) DPS. Also, someone who actually puts in the time to get upgrades outside of raids.

Do you consider yourself guild oriented and why: Yes, because I believe in how the guild looks as a whole, and that every person’s actions reflect on how the guild looks from the outside.

Rank these in Order (Loot, Progression, Helping Others, Self, Friends):
Friends, Helping Others, Progression, Self, Loot.
From most important to least. In the end, loot should be considered that ton of hot fudge at the bottom of a hot fudge sundae from Sonic. The only time loot annoys me is when that item that nobody needs drops. I was a bit uneasy on self, considering there’s a few directions you could take that. If I took it from the “always looking out for #1” route, I might put it a bit further up. I like to survive more than I like the floor(Note Heigan last night =D). If self also meant how well I should gear outside of raids, and how much effort I should put into my character outside the instances, I’d rank it further up as well. In it’s current spot, I’m assuming ‘Self’ means that I’ve always got to be #1 on DPS, that I can’t break away from the Spider to go help the people stuck in the webs, or that I can’t take time from my busy mining routes to run a quick heroic.
The other three where really no contests. This game is, in the end, an MMO. (Sorry about the paragraph answer to your rank ect ect question)

Pre-BC/BC Raiding Experiences: Pre-BC I raided here and there on a different server. In TBC I raided up to Kalecgos pre 3.0 on a resto druid, and then up to & KJ after 3.0.

Do you currently know anyone in Merciless: A few people, not personally or anything, but I did raid with you last night.

Do you have Ventrilo / DeadlyBossMods / Omen:
Yes, Yes, Yes.

List the start time and end time of your raid availability:
On weekdays, anywhere from 5 PM to 1 AM or so. On weekends, any time really.

Two people win the roll for the same piece of loot. Player A wins, but Player B will get a larger upgrade from the loot. Who do you think should get the item and why:

It depends really. I mean, it shouldn’t, but it kind of does. If that veteran who has been to every raid every week for the last two years gets an upgrade from T7, but currently has an epic in the slot, and some young gun who shows up like once a week, and just joined a few days ago has a green in the slot, yeah, the new guy could definitely use it, but the veteran could also use it for his years of effort.
In non paragraph form: B. Getting a 4-5 DPS upgrade from something when another guy could potentially get a lot more seems wrong to me. However, if you look at it from an actual point of view, if A wants it, wins the roll, and B doesn’t talk to A at all about it, it’s A’s.

I know I typed a lot, sorry. I’m not as super-serial as I seem. Seriously.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2008-12-10

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