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Bullz - Feral Druid

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Bullz - Feral Druid Empty Bullz - Feral Druid

Post  bullz Sat Aug 02, 2008 2:03 am

Character Name:Bullz


Talent Spec:Feral

Professions:currently Enchanting / Herbalism

Current Guild:Unguilded

Previous Guild/s & Reason/s for leaving:Iron Serpents - took a break for a few months. Was considered inactive.

Why are you interested in joining Merciless:I would like to get back in to raiding.

What do you bring to the table: I have the gear to immediately contribute to the guild as a tank and dps in t5/t6 content - i play my class well and am very easy to get along with.

Do you consider yourself guild oriented and why: Yes, i do. I like the community/family feel in guilds, and because of that, i like to contribute towards the guilds in ways to make it so.

Pre-BC/BC Raiding Experiences: have experience with raiding(pre-BC i raided/cleared ZG/MC/BWL/and first boss Naxx - BC_exp in cleared Kara/gruuls/mags/ssc/TK 4/5hyjal, and 4/9BT - have the gear to contribute to the guild as a tank and dps in t5/t6 content)

Do you currently know anyone in Merciless: I've only met ashuos with my questions about the guild.

Do you have Ventrilo:yes

What are you currently availible play/raid times:from what i understand of you raid schedule, i can guarantee attendance on sundays and thursdays, and Some tuesdays.

If you and another person of the same class were rolling on gear, and you won the roll, but it made more of an upgrade for the other person, who gets the gear:Whoever gets the higher upgrade - its about progression as a guild, and fighting over gear creates weak links in raids towards that goal and eventually within the guild.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2008-08-02

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