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Kutao 85 Hunter

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Kutao 85 Hunter Empty Kutao 85 Hunter

Post  Kutao Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:36 am

Character Name: Kutao

Your Age: 19

Class: Hunter

Level: 85

Talent Spec: Survival

Armory Link: us.battle.net.wow/en/search?q=Kutao

Professions: Mining/Jewel crafting

Post a link to a screenshot of your UI (prefer in raid combat): I don't have any screens in raid, but here is what I use - i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa52/kahmi987/raidui.jpg

Post a link to a combat log parse for a recent raid you did (such as WOL/WMO/WWS):
I do not have a log, but I hope this will suffice - i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa52/kahmi987/targetdummy.jpg (after 3m on dummy self buffed). I’d like to note I had a late start in Cata, so while this dps meets Ashuos dps benchmark as told to me in game, it is not my true potential, by any means, and I have just been able to get in heroics and spamspamspam them. Also, a few days ago in a raid setting, I was doing 13k single target, and I've been spamming heroics since then.

Current Guild: The Crew

Previous Guild/s & Reason/s for leaving: I’ve raided with Axiom, Echoes of War, and Courage., all alliance guilds. I left Axiom because it fell apart, left EoW for the same reason, and left Courage when I was faction changing.

Why are you interested in joining Merciless: I’m interested in joining a group of people working toward downing content, and of course, having some fun =]

What do you think you will gain from joining Merciless: I hope to gain some new friends and access to the Cataclysm content - before everyone else of course Very Happy.

What do you think Merciless will gain from you joining: A smart, competent raider who will have high raid attendance and exhibit positive attitude.

Do you consider yourself guild oriented? Why?: I do; why else join a guild?

Rank these in Order (Loot, Progression, Helping Others, Self, Friends): Self, Helping Others, Progression, Friends, Loot. My reasoning is as follows: In order to succeed in anything, you must first prepare yourself. How would you help others without first being knowledgeable yourself? Next is Helping others, a guild is a team of people who work together to down content etc., and helping others comes hand in hand. Third comes Progression, after you have yourself prepared, and you’ve shared what you know to others to benefit as a whole, progression is inevitable. Friends follow progression, because there is nothing better than that feeling of accomplishment a group of people feel after wiping on say, 1 light yogg for hours on end until you finally down the bastard. Last, but definitely not least (Razz), is loot. Loot is last because you must prepare yourself, help others, progress, and make friends, before you get the loot.

List ALL of your Raiding Experiences: I’ve played since release of vanilla, but my raiding experience didn’t bloom until WotLK. All of Naxx, Ulduar and ToC and all of their hardmodes, as well as ICC 12/12 and H-ICC 4/12 at which point I took a break from WoW. Since Cata, I’ve only had the chance to do BH. All of my raid experience has been either a fury/arms warrior or a hunter.

On a scale of 1-10 how well do you know your class/spec (Be Honest): 9.5, the first class that I made 6 years ago was a hunter. But, WoW is always changing and people come up with things I would never think of, so there is always something new to learn.

Do you use your keyboard to turn? Do you use your mouse to click on your spells? I do not keyboard turn, and all of my 50-some-odd spells/macros are key-bound.

Do you research your class? If so, how, and what resources do you use?
I do! I am constantly researching my class, as well as others, to keep up to date with all the changes. My favorite hunter-specific site to use would be warcrafthuntersunion.com , but there are tons of other sites/sources that I use- forums/elitisjerks/mmo-chamion/etcetc

Do you currently know anyone in Merciless: I do not, but I’d love to get to know you all!

Do you have Ventrilo / DeadlyBossMods / Omen / Microphone (If no mic what is preventing you from obtaining one?): Yes, yes, yes, and yes!

Do you have an authenticator (either cellphone/ipod touch or the key fob) ? I do not, simply because in the six years that I’ve played, I have yet to get hacked.

List the start time and end time of your raid availability: I have a very flexible schedule, and I will be able to make most if not all stated raid times.

Two people win the roll for the same piece of loot. Player A wins, but Player B will get a larger upgrade from the loot. Who do you think should get the item and why: In the perfect raid setting, player B should get the loot. In a situation, for example, where someone has just joined the guild and the roll is vs a long time member who has been wiping and progressing with the guild for months, I don't know that the loot should be handed over right away, but it would be something to discuss to decided what is best at the moment.


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