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Horibull Level 82 Resto Druid

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Horibull Level 82 Resto Druid Empty Horibull Level 82 Resto Druid

Post  Horibull Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:51 pm

Character Name: Horibull

Your Age: 31

Class: Druid

Level: 82

Talent Spec: Restoration/feral

Armory Link:
I know none of it is enchanted. But I have been too busy leveling and with the frequency I change out gear at the moment enchanting seems almost a waste, but I do know how to enchant and gem my toon.

Professions: Skinner/Leatherworker

Post a link to a screenshot of your UI (prefer in raid combat): I dont have any screenshots on this pc. But I use the regular wow raid frames with Clique. Works really well for me.

Post a link to a combat log parse for a recent raid you did (such as WOL/WMO/WWS): I am not sure what that means exactly. But pst me and Ill tell you what you wish to know.

Current Guild: None

Previous Guild/s & Reason/s for leaving: Seraphic Law, Cause of Action, Xercism-all broke down due to inactivity of some of the core raiders

Why are you interested in joining Merciless: I am very interested in being a part of a guild that has been around so is not likely to disband. I am also interested in joining a guild that progresses through raids. I have a couple friends in the guild who are previous guild mates.

What do you think you will gain from joining Merciless: The main things I wish to gain from joining Merciless is a feeling of belonging to a quality guild that I can grow in. I am tired of stagnating in pugs because the guilds I were in never had enough members on to progress too far in raids.

What do you think Merciless will gain from you joining: Merciless would gain a competent healer as well as someone willing to do whatever it takes to help out the guild. You would also get someone who shows up on time for all raids and stays for the entire raid. They will also gain my alts to use as need be to fill different rolls. Hunter, Palidan, Death Knight, and Rogue.

Do you consider yourself guild oriented? Why?: I am not totally sure what that means. Would I like to be in a guild where I can feel like I belong and can be proud of? Yes. Would I do my part to further progression? Yes. Would I sometimes turn down loot for the good of the guild (such as if someone else needed something more than me)? Yes. Would I help with quests and guild functions and participate in guild discussions? Yes. I figure if you don'd do those things then you are missing the biggest part of being in a guild.

Rank these in Order (Loot, Progression, Helping Others, Self, Friends): Friends, Helping Others, Progression, Self, Loot

List ALL of your Raiding Experiences: I didnt raid too much til ToC came out. These are what I have done on various toons I have: I have done Toc 10/25, Naxx 10/25, EoE 10, OS 10/25/3d, voa 10/25, 11/12 in both 10 and 25 icc reg. I have done about 2/3 of the bosses in 10 ulduar.

On a scale of 1-10 how well do you know your class/spec (Be Honest): It was a 9 before Cata came out. But with the new system, about a 6.5 but learning and getting better each time.

Do you use your keyboard to turn? Do you use your mouse to click on your spells?

Do you research your class? If so, how, and what resources do you use? Yes. I use Elitistjerks, wow forums, wow insider, mmo-champion, and I am not afraid to ask guildies and in trade if there is something i need to know about.

Do you currently know anyone in Merciless: Chenn, Byrdyth

Do you have Ventrilo / DeadlyBossMods / Omen / Microphone (If no mic what is preventing you from obtaining one?): I have all those and do use a mic.

Do you have an authenticator (either cellphone/ipod touch or the key fob) ? yes.

List the start time and end time of your raid availability:5p-11p server time since I get up early for work

Two people win the roll for the same piece of loot. Player A wins, but Player B will get a larger upgrade from the loot. Who do you think should get the item and why:. That is an unfair question because one of the people will end up getting upset. But I would think it would depend on who it would benefit the most. If it is a massive upgrade then it should go to player B but if not a large upgrade then the roll should be taken. But I am pretty easy to get along with for loot rules.


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Horibull Level 82 Resto Druid Empty Re: Horibull Level 82 Resto Druid

Post  Ash Thu Dec 09, 2010 2:39 pm

You missed a question.

Regardless of how little addons you use, you still need a screenshot.

Posts : 723
Join date : 2008-03-28
Location : Exiled


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