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Elinnia Level 80 Mage

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Elinnia Level 80 Mage Empty Elinnia Level 80 Mage

Post  Elinnia Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:14 pm

Character Name: Elinnia

Your Age: 22.

Class: Mage

Level: 80

Talent Spec: Fire/frost, changing it up when 85 to arcane/fire

Armory Link: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/emerald-dream/elinnia/

Professions: Tailoring, making a switch when cata rolls in for Herbalism/Alchemy

Post a link to a screenshot of your UI (prefer in raid combat): https://2img.net/h/oi53.tinypic.com/16jhg0o.jpg
this is what I manly use, nothing to "fancy" nothing to "special" just something that I'm used to, to get the job done.

Post a link to a combat log parse for a recent raid you did (such as WOL/WMO/WWS): Have none, been a few months since I last raided.

Current Guild: Start The Shooting

Previous Guild/s & Reason/s for leaving: Hallowed, Maximum Prestige, Hourglass
Hallowed has been dying out for months when the start of ulduar came out then later making it an inactive raiding guild. Maximum Prestige, guild leader was starting back up once more lasted for until 2nd wing was available if I remember correctly guild leader did not wanted to raid anymore so guild fall apart from there. I took 4 month break from wow, then xfer to horde side that's where I joined up with Hourglass for a couple months, but due to the fact, my computer fired on me, I had to take my leave from wow, and now I'm back again once more since i got a new computer.

Why are you interested in joining Merciless: I'm interested in end game progression raiding guild and having fun doing it. I'm looking for a guild with dedication, dedication to progress through, and not disband within a 6 months or so from doing so.

What do you think you will gain from joining Merciless: A guild that won't just walk away, or disband if the going gets to tough.

What do you think Merciless will gain from you joining: A mage that tries to improve on a daily basis, in any way that's possible, from power level professions, grinding rep for an enchant, to grinding rep in general, to helping out when it's needed, also someone who not going to try to fack up on something stupid like standing in a black circle of death.

Do you consider yourself guild oriented? Why?: Yes, I feel that being in a guild has to be earned and not a privilege. Some guilds wants pure pve dedication, or pvp, even a little both, but in order for this to happen, you as the player have to understand if you want that raid spot you have to earn it from hard work on the little things, could be placing mats in guild bank, to helping others when they ask for it.

Rank these in Order (Loot, Progression, Helping Others, Self, Friends): Friends > Progression > Self > Helping others > loot

List ALL of your Raiding Experiences: All of vanilla wow on my priest/ BC done it all expect Sunwell/ WOTLK done it all expect Ruby Sanctum. and hardmodes ICC

On a scale of 1-10 how well do you know your class/spec (Be Honest): Honestly I feel I'm at a 7, the reason for this, there is always something new I may learn about improving my skills as a mage. Even when it comes to pvp or pve, there is always a type of new rotation, or guide to help the user improve so they can become more successful next time around.

Do you use your keyboard to turn? Do you use your mouse to click on your spells? use my mouse to turn mostly. have a few macros, I don't really use my mouse to click on spells at all I just use what I have done on the key strokes mainly, for faster, better control.

Do you research your class? If so, how, and what resources do you use? Yes I always do any type of research, even if it's something I already know about or something new. elitistjerks, would be the main one I turn to for research that's not BS. there are some sites out there that may be helpful but elitistjerks has pretty much 100% what you are looking for. May go to the mage forms for a question if I had one. Manaflask.com, is always another one I go to.

Do you currently know anyone in Merciless: Keairra, don't know her know her, but she was an officer of Hourglass

Do you have Ventrilo / DeadlyBossMods / Omen / Microphone (If no mic what is preventing you from obtaining one?): Yes to all (Gaining a new headset, this week come payday, old one broke on me)

Do you have an authenticator (either cellphone/ipod touch or the key fob) ? No

List the start time and end time of your raid availability: anytime or day, unless, something big as come up that's an issue in RL

Two people win the roll for the same piece of loot. Player A wins, but Player B will get a larger upgrade from the loot. Who do you think should get the item and why: I feel if something like this has occur it I would have to check out their attendance/performance for a big part, also if they just joined the guild not long ago that can also play a factor to give it to the person who was raiding with the group longer. But would be best in results give it to the player who would need it the most in the long run, since when it comes to gearing up to 25 people, everyone needs to keep a good gear balance in check so those who lack a little due to someone who has better gear, can get closer to the mark they need to be in what roll they are playing as. Since raiding is a team effect and if someone seems to be lacking in gear wise it would be the best result if you want to keep pushing through new progression.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-12-06

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