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Application Empty Application

Post  Lysalana Thu May 28, 2009 6:07 pm

Character Name: Lysalana

Your Age: 28

Class: Holy Priest

Level: 80

Talent Spec: 14/57

Armory Link:

Professions: Tailoring 450 Enchanting 434

Current Guild: The Hun

Previous Guild/s & Reason/s for leaving: The Hun, The Hun is currently going to switch from a raiding guild to a social guild because of lack of players at the moment. Explicit Content, I left because of progression. They were just starting to raid and I was pugging raids and need more progression.

Why are you interested in joining Merciless: I have heard a lot of good things about the guild from a friend and again I need more progression and my current guild is at a stand still with that.

What do you think you will gain from joining Merciless: I think I will be given the chance to see end of game content and the chance for progression. I also think I will have the chance to show my abilities with a raiding guild.

What do you think Merciless will gain from you joining: I think you will gain a very good healer. =) I am pretty geared and play my class fairly well. Not to mention I am on most of the time so you can count on me if needed for raids.

Do you consider yourself guild oriented and why: I am very guild oriented. I love raiding with a whole a guild vs pugs and I love helping out others in the guild with heroics enchants etc. I like playing as a team.

Rank these in Order (Loot, Progression, Helping Others, Self, Friends): Progression, Helping others, friends, and loot, and self. I like to move forward , but at the same point I like to help other people move forward with me.

Pre-BC/BC Raiding Experiences: I have done Kara, Tk etc being a healer I have had the chance to raid very often.

Do you currently know anyone in Merciless: Just Steakchop

Do you have Ventrilo / DeadlyBossMods / Omen: I have Vent and DeadlyBoss Modes

List the start time and end time of your raid availability: I can raid most nights of the week. And I am normally on after 6 server time.

Two people win the roll for the same piece of loot. Player A wins, but Player B will get a larger upgrade from the loot. Who do you think should get the item and why:I think the person that gets the bigger upgrade should receive the loot. In order to progress as a guild you need to have all your raiders geared and to the same level as the other raiders.


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