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durr 80 resto druid

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durr 80 resto druid Empty durr 80 resto druid

Post  durrrr Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:04 pm

Character Name: durrlol

Your Age: 20

Class: Fat Tauren Druid

Level: 80

Talent Spec: 18/0/53 Restoration

Armory Link:

Professions: Alchemy/Herbalism

Post a link to a screenshot of your UI (prefer in raid combat):
im apping on my laptop atm so i dont have a SS and wouldnt be able to provide one until friday (tomorrow)
i dont use alot of addons but basic addons i run are DBM, OmniCC, Xperl, and a few others i cant recall at this time. Ive recently been raiding without dbm to try and make this game a bit more challenging as the reason i quit a few months ago was the lack of skill PvE took and PvP being all about FotM comps and OP classes but blizz kind of implemented its own version of DBM... i still have it available for use tho

Current Guild: Frag... future R1 BG guild of cata!

Previous Guild/s & Reason/s for leaving: Was an officer of The Crew but left due to it turning into a zerg which i felt was no longer fun and in the process they recruited a lot of people who had no idea what they were doing which drove alot of the more skilled players leave.

Was also in one eight seven which is arguably the top PvP guild on the server as well which is a bunch of close really helpful group of people who i played with i only left to join frag which also had some friends and people who played battlegrounds which is what i find the most entertaining thing to do in WoW atm.

As for previous raiding guilds my most experienced "hardcore" raiding guild would have been disposed on dreadmaul. I was playing a hunter at the time in which i accomplished Heroic Glory of the Raider on 2 toons, Warrior and Hunter, was in the extermely small percentage of wow players to not only see yogg saron first week but also kill him first week of the release of Ulduar. The Guild fell apart shortly after due to content being so easy and people not wanting to play anymore.

In BC i was in a guild called Damage Networks on Mugthol in which we competed for server firsts through BT but with the release of SWP taking so long i ended up not playing and losing my spot in the guild due to being inactive for weeks at a time which was before and during the release of SWP.

Why are you interested in joining Merciless: I havnt raided for months and with ICC being the last instance of the expansion and wanting to jump into "dragon slaying" again ive been interested to find a guild skilled enough to kill the lich king, ive talked with a few members of shattered oath (enaxor, flasher, sarconis, shiana, etc...) and they said you were the place to go... i could have apped to SO but i dont want to raid as often as they do and they dont have any resto spots open ><

What do you think you will gain from joining Merciless: Hopefully a good raiding experience, i could care less about loot due to skill>gear in this game

What do you think Merciless will gain from you joining: A skilled player, someone to joke around and enjoy doing things outside of ICC,

Do you consider yourself guild oriented? Why?: Yes, im usually active in guild chat and always looking for people to do things whether its a raid to gear up alts, PvP or i like to gamble i play a game called ask aladin which most people enjoy

Rank these in Order (Loot, Progression, Helping Others, Self, Friends): Friends, Self, Helping Others, Progression, Loot

Friends will always come first, most people dont feel this way but i still consider it an honor when your "that friend whos there when your buds about to get his ass kicked by 5 people and you still jump into the fight knowing your probably gonna get your ass beat but thats your buddy and you got his back"

Self next because i have to make sure things with myself are good before any of the other things below can happen

Helping Others and Progression are both on the same number imo. No matter what aspect of the game your playing when you help others you progress.


List ALL of your Raiding Experiences: See Previous Guilds...

On a scale of 1-10 how well do you know your class/spec (Be Honest): Id say an 8... ive only been playing the toon for a little over a month due to lack of skilled healers in PvP, Whenever ive had questions or problems i always asked enaxor whos been playing a druid for years and shes always very helpful. Shes kind of been my druid mentor over the last few weeks but as for being able to raid im more than ready

Do you use your keyboard to turn? Do you use your mouse to click on your spells?
BIND YO KEYS... lol no mouse turn and bind my keys... my s keys bound to FF

Do you research your class? If so, how, and what resources do you use? I do research but not on a reading forums or websites most of the research i do is more watching the class being played on WCM Movies or Xfire to see what people are doing when and why, and also testing it out for myself, Also asking people who play the class daily on there opinions and reasoning.

Do you currently know anyone in Merciless: Nope

Do you have Ventrilo / DeadlyBossMods / Omen / Microphone (If no mic what is preventing you from obtaining one?): All of the above

List the start time and end time of your raid availability: Ill be available tues thurs and sun 7-11 usually available friday nights as well

Two people win the roll for the same piece of loot. Player A wins, but Player B will get a larger upgrade from the loot. Who do you think should get the item and why: Depends on players B position in the guild, If hes a core raider and is easily deserving of the loot i would give to player B, But if its just a bigger upgrade for that piece and Player B is an app, or not an active raider id give to player A



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durr 80 resto druid Empty Re: durr 80 resto druid

Post  Ash Thu Apr 01, 2010 3:05 pm

You did not post a combat log parse.

Post your screenshot of your UI when you get the chance.

We'll see how you do tonight if we can get you in.

Posts : 723
Join date : 2008-03-28
Location : Exiled


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