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70 protadin

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70 protadin Empty 70 protadin

Post  plastici Sat Aug 23, 2008 7:42 pm

Character Name: plasticine

Your Age: 23

Class: paladin

Level: 70

Talent Spec: 0/49/12

Armory Link:

Professions: herbalism/nothing lolololol

Current Guild: anomie

Previous Guild/s & Reason/s for leaving: sleepless, emo gleader gdisbanded because of IRL drama
anomie, anomie is dead

Why are you interested in joining Merciless: the content you raid and the time and frequency you raid suit me

What do you think you will gain from joining Merciless: RAID I wanna RAID I'm SO BORED alone in anomie omg!!

What do you think Merciless will gain from you joining: an excellent prot pally who knows this game inside out. there very few things I do not know about wow, including all raid encounters, how to tank them, I know everyone's role. I've tutored all the anomie tank through t6 content, by first showing them myself by doing it, then having them do it, and they BLEW threw t6 content like it was nothing.

Do you consider yourself guild oriented and why: yes, without a guild, there is nothing in this game to keep me interested. what am i gonna do pvp all day? that is so boring.

Rank these in Order (Loot, Progression, Helping Others, Self, Friends): can't rank, all are equally important, except loot. loot is meaningless. If you raid for loot you are headed for some serious disappointment

Pre-BC/BC Raiding Experiences: ok, I've raided EVERYTHING, MC, BWL, NAXX, ZG, AQ40, t4, t5, t6. havent raided sunwell. well I've done trash.

Do you currently know anyone in Merciless: i think nachtgoul was in anomie. if he remembers me he knows I'm decent

Do you have Ventrilo / DeadlyBossMods / Omen / GroupCalendar: these are 4/60+ mods I use yeah

List the start time and end time of your raid availability: tuesday 2 PM - tuesday 7 AM

Two people win the roll for the same piece of loot. Player A wins, but Player B will get a larger upgrade from the loot. Who do you think should get the item and why: the person who attends the most raids should get loot. Then again irrelevant, pretty much everything that drops there's a better badge item or something. If this guy just joins your guild, has shitty gear, and a warglaive drop, do you give it to him? obviously not. I think if there is a badge item that is better, then who cares let the one who gets the bigger upgrade get it. But seriously I don't care. There is no room in my life, or in my wow experience, for loot issues. Loot drops, roll whatever someone gets it move on. The important thing is that we killed a boss, and we did it faster than last time, or it was a really really clean kill, or like someone did somethign real cool or hilarious


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